Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend in Pictures

We had a very busy weekend, but fun! Below are a few pictures, have a great Monday!

Brayden and Kuenzie's new spot to watch TV together.

Brayden did not nap all day and while Rob and I were talking we looked over and he was out, there is nothing better than a slepping kiddo, I can watch them sleep for hours! Too perfect:) Rob had to work Friday night so I decided to take the kids to the drive in to go see Ringo. It was pretty fun, though the movie isn't very kid friendly???

On Sunday Rob and I got all gussed up and went to Star Chef's in Tacoma. It was a lot of fun, but it went until 10:00pm, way past our bed time. Needless to say I am tired and it is going to me a very long Monday!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Drive in movies, date much fun!